It's Christmas Eve ! Woot !
Merry Christmas to my family and friends~
I love you all~
Thanks for everything that you have done for me .
The supports you given me
I appreciated it.
Thanks a lot !
Thanks for the presents! I love it!
Then again today is the day that I had gotten the results of PMR.....
When I went to see the results....
I'm very nervous....
All my life flashed in front of my eyes...
dum dum dum....
I took it...
look at it....
I felt the nervousness seeped away...
And replaced with relief ~
Phew! Close call~
I didn't see any D's around ..
But there is still C's though...
But I had to be grateful...
Since the number of C's were even with the B's...
And the A's were...
minus one from the numbers of B's or C's.
that's makes it 2 A...3B and 3C...
Managed to get A on my English and Math...(So glad)
And B on my Science (disappointed )..
B on History , to be honest , it spooked me off since I expect to get a C or D cause I didn't study...
B on Geography , It's weird since I always had a C or D
C for my KH -.- ...
Malay (pheww...) and
Chinese(no surprise there)
I'm not happy with my results.
But I'm a bit happy ..
Because I was expecting at least a fail there (Malay),
Considering I didn't manage to finish answering the Malay writing....
I'd almost done with Section C and Section D is a blank(-10 marks)...
It's seems I've been walking on a fine but thin line that luckily didn't snap on me..
Good thing I didn't fail...
Ahh...Thank God~
Or my parents will have my head..
I hope I could get into the Science class.~
Thanks for reading my blog~
~ !Merry Christmas Everybody! ~